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Hi! I’m Stephanie.

I come from the beginning of the beginning of The Facial Bar. That’s right, I’ve been here since this concept was just a distant, lofty, vision. My goal is to support, encourage, ask questions and push things forward, keeping everyone happy in our space. I truly love what I do and love what The Facial Bar is all about.

You’ll find me reading, learning all I can about as much as I can and dropping random knowledge on you at any given moment. (My husband & 3 kids LOVE this! Ha!) But, seriously, I am your go to girl for trivia game nights or any board game of any kind. I’m really not that competitive…until the dice come out.

In my free time, I love spending time with my family, my 2 dogs, meeting up with friends, going on walks, doing some yoga and watching movies- or at least the first half of a movie because I tend to fall asleep midway through. Oops!

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